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1205 S. White Chapel Blvd.
Southlake, Texas 76092

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freedom is in jeopardy
Whether you are military or civilian,
if your career, future, or freedom is threatened,
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Involuntary Recall to Active Duty PTSD

Military Case Study #1


Involuntary Recall to Active Duty from the Individual Ready Reserve, IRR, St Louis, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD.




This case involved fighting an involuntary IRR recall for service in Iraq by showing extreme personal hardship. As an IRR Recall Attorney, Bill Meili has successfully defended many service members facing involuntary recall out of the IRR.

Client was a West Point graduate with an outstanding record and prior service in Iraq. After five years of active duty, Client opted for transfer to the Individual Ready Reserve or IRR. He had begun experiencing symptoms, that were later diagnosed as classic, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, soon after he returned from his year tour in Iraq, but he tried to tough things out on his own, and like so many, he didn't take advantage of any Veteran's Administration or VA resources initially. His mental and physical health deteriorated, his marriage suffered, and it became increasingly difficult for him to meet the academic requirements of his MBA degree program at a major U.S. university. Well before the expiration of his service obligation date, he received involuntary call-up orders, and his PTSD symptoms accelerated.

When he contacted our office, our experience as IRR recall attorneys, and military lawyers with extensive experience with all aspects of the IRR recall process and how to defend against it, kicked in. At our suggestion, Client sought professional help in multiple medical and psychological specialties immediately. We drafted his Delay and Exemption Brief, then guided him through the initial presentation of a request for Delay and Exemption from his orders for an involuntary recall to active duty. When that initial request was denied, we revisited the medical issues surrounding his PTSD diagnosis, had them strengthened with more current data, and resubmitted the packet for a second look. When that re-look was denied, we handled the appeal of his Request for Delay and Exemption from Involuntary Recall to Active Duty to the Pentagon. The appeal was granted, and the two adverse rulings from subordinate headquarters were reversed.


Client will not have to return to Iraq. He will be discharged honorably. He will also graduate with an MBA from a distinguished program, and he will now be able to accept a job offer made several months ago, and begin work at a major U.S. financial corporation in the fall of 2007.


Being able to use our experience fighting IRR recalls as a military lawyer, and specifically as an IRR Recall Attorney, to help a talented and decorated soldier make it through an extremely difficult time in his life.


Our Client and his family. Please call our offices at 214-363-1828 or email us at for further information and contact numbers.


I contacted Col. Meili as a fellow practitioner to gain some context and perspective on a pretty complex set of issues. Because I practice in a different field of law, Col. Meili's extensive expertise was invaluable and he was more than generous with his time. A skilled and dedicated professional who cares deeply about obtaining the best possible outcome for his clients, Bill's a leader in this field.

- Steffen Chapin

After an exhaustive search of military attorneys, I came across the name of Bill Meili. From my first email exchange and telephone call, I knew that Bill was the right person to handle my case. I had discussed my unique circumstance with a handful of other attorneys who felt it may be too difficult to achieve the outcome that I was seeking - but Bill was interested in me and my case, and wholeheartedly believed that we had the ball in our court. I could tell that Bill cared about me as a person and soldier, not just viewing me as a paycheck.

- Anonymous


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Meili Law Firm, 1205 S. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, Texas 76092; 214-363-1828;; 8/29/2024; Related Terms: military law attorney;