UQR Approved For An Active Duty Army Officer with an HPSP Interface
Posted on 8/4/2021 by William C. Meili
We heard this past Monday that our Client's UQR request had been approved. And want to relay that a lot of folks had a hand in this, and also want to acknowledge that assistance and expertise up front. What was special about this case was the speed of the process. There were certain factors at play with client's HPSP scholarship, his seat in medical school, the start of the academic year, funding (i.e. tuition being paid from HPSP) in order to keep that seat, not to mention the timing of terminal leave and final clearing. Many plates up in the air spinning, and all contingent on the cutting of discharge orders and an effective separation date.
Process usually takes - under "normal" circumstances 4 months or more. But in this case, it took only about 30 days from the time Client contracted for services to the UQR being approved. And I have to say, it couldn't have happened to a more worthy, deserving candidate/Client. Not that it should take anywhere near 4 months for a UQR to make its way through the bureaucracies of HRC, and then G1 Pentagon, followed by ASA (M&RA) and then back down to HRC where the orders are actually cut . . . but that is unfortunately more or less par for the course. To its credit, HRC is working to streamline and simplify the process, but it might well take a change in the governing regulation.
All to say, it was a bit of a challenge in this case to get things in place and the right people, in the right positions all pulling oars in the same direction. But it happened, and now the Army gets to have the opportunity to have a remarkable young officer direct his energies in becoming a medical doctor who will someday wear the nation's uniform to serve his fellow Soldiers as an AMEDD officer. Read his testimonial here.
As we've said before, it's really nice when the Army gets it right!
If you're facing a situation where you need some help guiding a UQR through the bureaucratic maze, give us a call, or shoot an email. Call 214-363-1828 or email: meililaw1@gmail.com .
Military Law Attorney | Boards of Inquiry Defense Lawyer Expert military law attorney offering Boards of Inquiry defense, career-saving legal services, hardship discharge representation, and mobilization exemptions. William C. Meili - Attorney and Counselor at Law, 1205 S. White Chapel Blvd., Suite 100, Southlake, Texas 76092 ^ 214-363-1828 ^ meililaw.com ^ 2/10/2025 ^ Page Keywords: law firm Southlake Texas ^