What are some of the effects that losing a security clearance could have on a person's career?
A security clearance is necessary if you're going to mobilize and deploy with your unit, whether you're in active duty, on active duty, or reservists. If your unit is getting ready to go and you are going to be part of the team that's going, then you need a security clearance. And if you don't have it, that's a show-stopper. You're not going to be going, so they literally, they will pull your ticket. If you don't go with your unit, if you're not part of that team, and if you don't then deploy, then that's going to affect the rest of your career, both in the short term and in the long term. So, it's essential for somebody that wants to make the markers on a career, to be ready to go and mobilize and deploy, you know when that unit goes. If you don't have your security clearance, you're not going anywhere, and so that's, I mean, that's one example. The other thing is right from the beginning of a particular job, let's say you're a civilian, for instance and you've got a job offer with a high level, very, very good job, well paying, important job in the security industry somewhere, or in government. You're going to need a security clearance, a secret or top-secret security clearance for that. And if because of some past financial indiscretions, for example, the agency that's looking at you to grant that has a problem, that job may be in jeopardy for you. Even though you have a job offer, you can't start until you're hooked up with that security clearance. So, I mean, those are two very clear and recent examples in my own practice of what happens if you don't get a security clearance and how that can affect a career or job. |
I contacted Col. Meili as a fellow practitioner to gain some context and perspective on a pretty complex set of issues. Because I practice in a different field of law, Col. Meili's extensive expertise was invaluable and he was more than generous with his time. A skilled and dedicated professional who cares deeply about obtaining the best possible outcome for his clients, Bill's a leader in this field.
- Steffen Chapin After an exhaustive search of military attorneys, I came across the name of Bill Meili. From my first email exchange and telephone call, I knew that Bill was the right person to handle my case. I had discussed my unique circumstance with a handful of other attorneys who felt it may be too difficult to achieve the outcome that I was seeking - but Bill was interested in me and my case, and wholeheartedly believed that we had the ball in our court. I could tell that Bill cared about me as a person and soldier, not just viewing me as a paycheck. - Anonymous VIEW MORE TESTIMONIALS >> |