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1205 S. White Chapel Blvd.
Southlake, Texas 76092

When your career, future or
freedom is in jeopardy
Whether you are military or civilian,
if your career, future, or freedom is threatened,
you need an experienced attorney to guide you.

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Felony Injury to a Child

Criminal Defense Case Study #1


Felony Injury to a Child




Our client was in his late twenties when he came to our offices for a consultation. This was a good man who had exercised some poor judgment in disciplining a minor child. The child was the son of his former girlfriend, and the poor judgment took place in a rural Texas County. Neither our client, his former girlfriend nor the boy in question were from that jurisdiction. Nevertheless, the authorities were asking for a stiff sentence and penitentiary time.


After extended negotiations with the District Attorney, members of his investigative staff, and ultimately with the complainant's family, we agreed on a deferred adjudication probation, counseling, restitution, and no jail or pen time. Provided our client successfully navigates the terms and conditions of his probation, the case will be dismissed and he will not have a felony conviction on his record.


Patiently waiting and advocating for a just and fair result, and seeing that unfold in court.

Testimonial (from client's father):


I can't thank you enough for all your efforts on behalf of my son. It was truly a remarkable time in my life; one that I will never forget. As I recall the events and the time in the court room, it is clear to me that my son had not only the best lawyer in the room for the entire time, but a truly outstanding and caring person representing him. You taught me a lot.

Give my best wishes to your family for me and tell them that the time I took you away from them resulted in a huge reward for my family today. I can never replace that time away from your family. It may be a small comfort to them to know how much you meant to my family. May God continue to bless you all!


Our client and his father. Please call us at 214-363-1828 or email us at for further details and contact information.


I contacted Col. Meili as a fellow practitioner to gain some context and perspective on a pretty complex set of issues. Because I practice in a different field of law, Col. Meili's extensive expertise was invaluable and he was more than generous with his time. A skilled and dedicated professional who cares deeply about obtaining the best possible outcome for his clients, Bill's a leader in this field.

- Steffen Chapin

After an exhaustive search of military attorneys, I came across the name of Bill Meili. From my first email exchange and telephone call, I knew that Bill was the right person to handle my case. I had discussed my unique circumstance with a handful of other attorneys who felt it may be too difficult to achieve the outcome that I was seeking - but Bill was interested in me and my case, and wholeheartedly believed that we had the ball in our court. I could tell that Bill cared about me as a person and soldier, not just viewing me as a paycheck.

- Anonymous


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Meili Law Firm, 1205 S. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, Texas 76092 • 214-363-1828 • • 8/29/2024 • Related Terms: military law attorney •