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1205 S. White Chapel Blvd.
Southlake, Texas 76092

When your career, future or
freedom is in jeopardy
Whether you are military or civilian,
if your career, future, or freedom is threatened,
you need an experienced attorney to guide you.

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Another Successful Show Cause BOI - ARMY Officer


Last week of April at Ft. Stewart brought some long awaited great news to my client, his wife and three children. After months of preparation, maneuvering, and waiting, his Show Cause Board of Inquiry panel voted unanimously to retain him on active duty. As a result, this good and deserving officer will be able to retire medically, with honor, dignity and respect, and with full, military medical and concurrent VA benefits. He has given me permission to share his testimonial here, and I do so with a great deal of gratitude and thanks for the team of professionals, friends and supporters who came together to make this all happen.
Respectfully, Bill Meili

I decided to call Mr. Meili shortly after receiving a GOMOR and subsequently months later a referred OER. Confirming my worst fears I eventually received a "show cause" notification from Human Resources Command (HRC) that put my career of nearly 17 years on active duty in complete jeopardy. Before I decided on Mr. Meili I had previously called a couple other law firms specializing in military law, but none of them seemed to understand the complex administrative process. He gave me hope that my initial appeal was winnable and immediately starting gathering information to map a strategy to work my case. Shortly afterward, while Mr. Meili worked the appeals case to remove the GOMOR filed with HRC, I received the inevitable "intent to eliminate" notification. Mr. Meili brought much needed calm during a stressful moment when I received the notification. He was very reasonable with amending our previous agreement in order to adjust to the new momentum of now a Board of Inquiry (BOI) being initiated to separate me. The preparation of a BOI is a tremendous undertaking and Mr. Meili took on the meticulous details and crafted a strategy to ensure the best outcome, leaving no doubt as we entered the intense day of a BOI. Mr. Meili prepared the case very well, engaging key decision makers early on and made adjustments right up to the final moments of a decision. Mr. Meili brings a level of experience and tenacity to the table that is difficult to find. My case received a favorable vote to retain on active duty, saving my hard earned retirement and medical benefits. Mr. Meili is a true professional, and one of the best in the country for military law. If you want the best outcome for your case, I highly recommend you consider him.

Major - U.S. Army.


I contacted Col. Meili as a fellow practitioner to gain some context and perspective on a pretty complex set of issues. Because I practice in a different field of law, Col. Meili's extensive expertise was invaluable and he was more than generous with his time. A skilled and dedicated professional who cares deeply about obtaining the best possible outcome for his clients, Bill's a leader in this field.

- Steffen Chapin

After an exhaustive search of military attorneys, I came across the name of Bill Meili. From my first email exchange and telephone call, I knew that Bill was the right person to handle my case. I had discussed my unique circumstance with a handful of other attorneys who felt it may be too difficult to achieve the outcome that I was seeking - but Bill was interested in me and my case, and wholeheartedly believed that we had the ball in our court. I could tell that Bill cared about me as a person and soldier, not just viewing me as a paycheck.

- Anonymous


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Meili Law Firm, 1205 S. White Chapel Blvd, Southlake, Texas 76092 ^ 214-363-1828 ^ ^ 8/29/2024 ^ Page Terms:military law attorney ^